New York Ramen
My second stop on this hot summer Sunday was Ramen Mafia in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. They have been open since July 2018. 今日の2軒目は同じくブルックリンのグリーンポイントにあるラーメンマフィア。2018年の7月から営業しているお店です。
Franklin St Soy (Shoyu ramen) $14.00 醤油ラーメン$14.00
Wavy noodles 縮れ麺
Menu メニュー
Nice tin cup with ice water, much needed on a hot summer day! ☀️
Front of store 店の前
On corner of Franklin and Huron St
Street view
They offer few different ramens, with originals like the ox tail ramens. They also offer seasonal cold ramens and sushi plates. Google and Yelp says they are open at 12pm on Sundays but they just changed their Sunday opening hour to 1:30pm and offer Sunday brunch menu. I would recommend to call them for their hours before you go.
No liquor, BYOB